PDF-Shuffer: merge and organize PDFs for Linux

PDF-Shuffer is an easy-to-use graphical tool for Linux that allows you to merge different PDF files, as well as delete or rearrange selected pages. Once you have all the pages you simply save the final as PDF file too.

Categorised as Technology

Program to convert from FLAC to MP3 format

FLAC is an excellent lossless audio format that can reduce an audio around 60% of its original size. It is also under open format license. The problem can come when we try to play that audio on a player only accepting MP3 format. One of the solutions is FlacSquisher that can convert not just a single… Continue reading Program to convert from FLAC to MP3 format

Download videos from Youtube

Quvi and Youtube-dl are two interesting command line programs to download videos from platforms like Youtube, Vimeo, etc Both are available for Linux and Youtube-dl also for Windows. To use we need the URL address of the video to download. For instance: With Quvi: quvi get https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHBpcAuK_q4 With Youtube-dl: youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHBpcAuK_q4 Links: Quvi – Youtube-dl

Show active connections at our WiFi lan

WiFi Network Monitor 5 is a simple program to show active conections at our WiFi network. Usually we need to enter to our router’s configuration to do this job. With this program we get the assigned IP address, device’s name, MAC address, etc. E This is an interesting tool to get alerted with possible non… Continue reading Show active connections at our WiFi lan

Default time limits for brevets

Randonneuring is a long-distance cycling sport. These riders try courses of 200 km or more, passing predeterminated checkpoints or controls within specified time limits. These kind of events are called brevets. The usual time limits are the following: 200 kilometres (120 mi) – 13.5 hours 300 kilometres (190 mi) – 20 hours 400 kilometres (250… Continue reading Default time limits for brevets

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